We learn a lot about life everyday. Here are some things I have learned along the way.
- I'm a sinner saved by grace.
- My wife is my biggest supporter.
- I need moments of "refueling.” What fills you up?
- It's not child abuse to say "no."
- Discipline means to guide, not punish.
- Write it down, make it happen.
- Portion control, portion control, portion control.
- When it comes to shopping, always consider quality. A more expensive pair of shoes will save you money in the long run.
- If you WANT something, wait a few days to see if you NEED it.
- Behind every face is a story. Most times a very interesting story.
- Debt makes you a slave to the debtor.
- Make it a great day or not, the choice is yours.
- Most of what children learn from their parents is caught, not taught.
- One of the best things you can do for your kids is to take them on family trips, both domestically and internationally.
- Less is more.
- Life is largely about connecting with others. These connections often become strong and healthy relationships. We connect with God; we connect with our spouse, our children; we connect with friends, with colleagues, with students.
- Thankfulness cures many aliments.
- “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela
- Hope mixed with hard work and determination is a recipe for making the impossible possible.
- Introduce yourself and talk to strangers. Leave them feeling good about themselves.
- Give first, pay debts off faster than scheduled, save and finally spend.
- A family without a budget is like a ship without a compass.
- Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
- Kindness shouldn't be optional.
- If you want to move ahead into God's future, you must leave your past behind. Our best days are not behind us. They are in front of us.
- Lead by serving.
- You can't make a child nap; you can only ask them to rest.
- Talk and read to your children as much as possible.
- You can have a great family, while still making a great contribution in the work you do.
- Never do something for a child that they can do for themselves.
- Don't expect a child to know how to do something if you haven't taught them.