How’s your day going? Perfect or not?

Some days life feels perfect
Other days, it just ain't workin’
Toby Mac, songwriter

Is today workin’ for you? Does it feel perfect? Sometimes a day falls into my perfect bucket, others into the “ain’t working” bucket. Why so? On any given day, the good, the bad, or the ugly days, we CAN find things to be thankful for. Big things, little things; planned things, random acts of kindness.

Today I count as a perfect day. These are some of the things I am thankful for today:

  • A little time to sleep in (much needed after our 34 hour jump over six time zones). Kind of a miracle as our toddler and preschooler are usually up by 6:00 a.m. (or earlier) everyday.
  • Good breakfast with my wife and kids to get the engines firing for the day.
  • Running into my previous head of school and another good friend at Carrefour, our French supermarket down the drag.
  • Spending time with colleagues, old and new, at one of the top P12 schools in Asia.
  • Lunch with my family at our favorite Indian restaurant. We missed you Bollywood.
  • Opportunities to reflect, write, revise, edit, and publish.

What can you be thankful for today? Blue skies? Nice weather? Good food? A friend? Family?

Share your thankful list with a family member or friend.

Proudly South African-American,

Wayne Russell
Shanghai, China

Twitter: @rssll80